Kambo Toronto, Mississauga, Kambo Training Canada, Kambo Practitioner

With that, I began to see many patterns and emotions that no longer served me, including my inability to let go and flow with life. I pursued every single treatment I read about, hoping to recreate others’ success in my own life. I even ended up across the world in India for an experimental stem cell transplant, thinking if the elusive cure wasn’t in my country, it had to be in someone else’s. You don’t have to go through life feeling lost or wondering why it feels like there is a missing part of you.

Read more about Egyptian Aura Healing here.

They may withdraw from activities they previously enjoyed and harbor lots of negative feelings about themselves and others. PTSD – or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – can affect people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds, and it’s highly debilitating. By contrast, ceremony doses are much larger, resulting in a hallucinogenic effect that provides a deep connection to the universe’s love. The visual experiences can vary, but they often lead to a sense of deep enlightenment, giving the ceremony participant a renewed sense of purpose. The sudden connection with nature can act as a purifying force, allowing one to feel the pure and untainted love of the correction process.

Why choose Kambo over other substances?

It was clear she knew what she was doing and encouraged me and comforted me throughout the entire experience. Kambo is a natural substance containing peptides that the human body recognizes.

Be Part of the Plant Medicine Movement

Shamanism and the retreat experience are for everyone to consider, whatever your background, age, race, or gender identity. Psilocybin mushrooms are prepared using two main methods – eating or decocting.

For many, a mescaline journey offers deep insight into the self and the universe, giving one a greater sense of connection and spirituality. Mescaline is also known for fostering compassion and gratitude, while also alleviating psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction.

Treatment FAQ

The space is often decorated with flowers, candles, and other offerings to create a peaceful and reverent atmosphere. The experienced users, or shaman will then lead the group in a series of prayers and chants to set the intention for the ceremony. Microdosing is the act of consuming sub-perceptual amounts of a psychedelic substance. Their potent properties can produce a deep introspection for the user, aiding the healing process for the body, mind, and spirit, touching every element of the self. Join us on our shamanic sisterhood retreats, bringing together those who want to dive deeply into the evolving landscape of shamanic wisdom and feminine spirituality in modern society. We hold space and bring together spiritually-conscious women from all walks of life, sharing knowledge and support to grow a tribe of shaman women. At The Meehl Foundation, we offer an exclusive soul retrieval retreat, understanding that true healing involves awakening our vision and experience of infinity to truly heal.

There is currently no scientific evidence to support positive health effect claims.. Mantra Care aims at providing affordable, accessible, and professional health care treatment to people across the globe. Some people may experience skin irritation at the site of the venom application. You can easily treat this with a topical ointment or cream if necessary.

While mescaline by itself does not appear to have led directly to any fatalities, there are some potentially significant health risks to be aware of. It should be avoided if you have a history of mental illness, heart conditions, or high blood pressure, as well as by pregnant or breastfeeding women because of the risk of birth defects. For more information on taking peyote safely, see Precautions and Safety and toxicity. Mescaline has long been considered a powerful agent for healing and change, making it a central component of the shamanic ceremonies of many indigenous groups in the Americas.

Ultimately, the level of preparation you undertake can mean the difference between a life-changing experience and one that barely scratches the surface of your potential for growth and healing. By taking the time to prepare, you honor the power of Ayahuasca, embrace the opportunity for transformation, and maximize the benefits that the ceremony can offer you. Many people have received profound physical, spiritual and emotional healing from kambo. Many people who were failed by conventional medicine found relief from this medicine.